Revitalizing the Internet Economy through Sessions Empower Expansion.
In 2023, TRC processed $1 trillion in total payments volume, all while maintaining an uptime of 99.999%. We obsess over reliability. As engineers on the database infrastructure team, we provide a database-as-a-service (DBaaS) called DocDB as a foundation layer for our APIs. Stripe’s DocDB is an extension of MongoDB Community—a popular open-source database—and consists of […]
The right cloud strategy and diligent execution is need of the Hour
By reading this statement one may feel what is so great about it that I am trying to tell or share here ? There is much deeper meaning to it. In my role of providing the consulting to the various businesses, have come across some jarring truths that while businesses have decided and moving ahead […]
The Step by Step Flow, Challenges and solutions in the journey to Data Analytics
If I say Today’s Economy is a data Economy it will not be a wrong statement. In every walk of the life there are activities, transactions generating information and storage of data. This stored data could provide tactital reports i.e. about already that has happened which is of little use in the decision making. Therefore […]
Quality Engineering in Product Development: The Challenges, Approach and Benefits
Quality Engineering is the new term of reference for Testing. Product testing services are essential in making sure that a product is of high quality and functions according to customer needs and expectations. Testing also helps to ensure that Product is usable, reliable and suitable to the need of business. There are some key benefits […]
Digital Journey: Considerations and Best Practices
Considerations: Over the years businesses have grown and their growth was supported by their internal IT by building/ procuring and deploying systems /applications. When these applications were written, products were purchased, the single most focus was helping business on priority. Off- course with organisations now moving on the path of Digital journey, Two Speed IT […]